The deadline for applications is on March 17th, 2025.
The deadline for applications is on March 17th, 2025.
95 years ago, on March 28, Zbigniew Brzezinski was born; a great Pole, a great American who made immense contributions to the freedom of Poland. He was also a co-founding father of the PAFF.
We would like to inform that the PAFF has begun creating an online photo gallery covering several decades of activity of Zbigniew Brzeziński, co-founder of the Foundation.
The Young Discoverer’s Club is a place where young people and children under the eye of a tutor carry out experiments and gain knowledge on their own. The Copernicus Science Center - program coordinator - bolsters YDCs development with support from the PAFF.
One of the biggest competitions addressed to secondary school students. A dozen thousands of students interested in enterprise, management, and economy from over 1,000 schools all over Poland apply to each round of that Olympiad.
E-volunteering is a volunteering by the Internet. The objective of that competition, held by the Good Network Foundation, is to support the most interesting ideas of social projects based on cooperation with e-volunteers.
The biggest in Poland Internet portal that informs about scholarship programs run by associations, foundations, local governments, companies and universities. The portal is managed by the Good Network Foundation.
A plebiscite held by the Academy for the Development of Philanthropy in Poland, awards people who being well recognizable are more effective in helping those in need and in supporting NGOs.
An initiative of the Academy for the Development of Philanthropy in Poland of awarding companies that are socially involved and support NGOs inspiring them to act for the benefit of their neighborhood.
The initiative implemented as part of the School with Class which has been carried out since 2002. Its objective is to promote ICT use in learning and teaching. The oraganizers of the initiative are Center for Citizenship Education Fiundation and "Gazeta Wyborcza" daily.