Are you a committed member of local government or a social activist? Join Green Leaders and deal with challenges of environment degradation, mitigation of climate change, and adaptation to it. The deadline for applications is on February 10.
The Sendzimir Foundation is enrolling to the “Green Leader” program of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. The program is addressed to those who want and can implement changes related to environment and climate protection in their local communities.
Participation in the program is free.
Natural environment degradation and climate change have negative impact on life of all the people. The challenge to reduce them, to introduce new, more sustainable ways of development, also at the local community level, increases dramatically.
The “Green Leader” program is addressed to local leaders in villages and small towns of up to 50,000 residents (in some cases in towns with population of up to 150,000 people), participants of PAFF programs, and other local community and local government leaders believing that it makes sense to act in the area of environment and climate protection.
The main part of the program is of a training and advisory nature. The participants – leaders and their teams – can follow one of the three thematic paths: waste management, local water retention and counteracting draughts or energy efficiency. They can also apply for a grant for a study visit, in Poland or abroad, to establish cooperation with partners, transfer innovative solutions or prepare ideas of joint projects, if possible. Thanks to participation in the program, leaders learn how to solve a problem of environment protection important to their local community, how to use methods and tools facilitating introduction of changes in local communities, as well as how to apply for grants from EU and other funds for their own pro-ecologic projects.
212 people in 74 rural communes and municipalities all over Poland have participated in the program over the years 2021-2024.
The deadline for applications is on February 10.